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Employer Survey

Three in Four Cite Study Abroad Experience as Important When Evaluating Candidates for Junior-Level Positions

 BALTIMORE, May 1 -- There are now even more reasons for college students to consider studying abroad. A new survey of global human resource executives released today affirmed the value of a study abroad experience in the hiring process. Nearly three in four (73%) cited study abroad as important when evaluating the resumé of a job candidate for a junior-level position. Furthermore, the study, conducted by Global HR News and commissioned by The Scholar Ship, showed that eight in 10 of the HR executives surveyed believed that a study abroad experience was an important factor for overseas job placement within their companies."

As the world grows 'flatter,' the value of an international approach to higher education cannot be overstated," said Dr. Joseph Olander, president of The Scholar Ship, the first oceangoing study abroad program designed specifically for a multi-national student body and faculty. "The HR executives confirmed what we have sensed in today's international business environment."Other findings of the study:

 - "Cultural awareness/sensitivity/tolerance" and an "international perspective" topped the list of the attributes valued by HR executives among prospective employees with study abroad experience.

- "Worldliness/sophistication" was least valued among the choices offered that included "fluency in a language," "problem-solving skills," and "independence."

- Two-thirds (67%) of HR executives surveyed said that a study abroad experience within a culturally diverse student environment distinguishes a job candidate from others studying only with students from their own country.

- Eight in 10 (80%) HR executives believed that an international education experience is important in distinguishing a candidate for overseas job placement.

Global HR News, a trade publication that covers corporate human resources policy development and its implementation, conducted the online survey in February 2007. Two thirds (67%) of those surveyed worked in multi-national companies either headquartered or having a presence in the U.S.

Contact:Peter Himler, Flatiron Communications for The Scholar Ship 516-729-6461