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Minutes of the Faculty Senate meeting               September 17, 2008


The regular meeting of the 2008-2009 Faculty Senate was called to order at 3:30 p.m. by President Art Sanders.  The following senators were present for all or part of the meeting. Chesnut, Cramer, Cravero, DeWitt, Dore, Esposito, Gilbert, Harvey, Houle, McCrickerd, Mosser, Parsa, Reincke, Sanders, Van Wyke, Vitha, Walker

Absent: Alexander, Allen, Bohorquez, Nelson


The May 2008 minutes were distributed and accepted as corrected.  Jennifer Harvey was present


Report from President Maxwell.

- President Maxwell referenced the Monday, Sept 15th presentation by Vice President for Alumni and Development John Smith indicating that this type of open faculty/staff meeting will be occasionally presented during the campaign similar to those done each year by Vice President Payseur. He highlighted that a common question during a campaign is how much does it cost for Drake to bring in money.  Our rate is quite low when compared to peer institutions.  Even though market indicators have not been good for the past weeks and especially the past few days, President Maxwell commented that many positive conversations are happening concerning Drake University and the capital campaign.

- Two endowed professorships (magazines and jazz studies) will begin soon.

- The Provost Search Committee, chaired by Joseph Schneider, is in full operation. There have been multiple quality inquiries, he has been told, which is a good sign. In early November, the search committee will convene first round interviews with the committee and the President. 

-- The Board of Trustees meets the first weekend of October with three major items on the agenda: the Strategic Plan, an enrollment and access discussion including national challenges lead by Vice President Tom Delahunt and John Burney and Provost Troyer will present a progress report on Globalization at Drake. 


Senator Reincke asked how the President feels now with any personal trials and tribulation of teaching.  President Maxwell said that he is team teaching with Craig Owens and that he is glad to be back in-the-classroom.


Senator Vitha noted that since the cost of development is acceptable now, he asked what the number was before.  Also, he asked about the Annual Fund. President Maxwell was not able to give the previous cost of development.  The Annual Fund was only at approx. $2 million and all of it goes into the Operating Budget.


Report from Provost Troyer

--The 08-09 year is off to fairly good start. He began by placing in context the upcoming retention report.  The Fall 07 entering first year class was 924 students.  Their rate of return for the Fall 08 semester was 85.82% or 86%.  He noted that several years ago an 86% rate would have been quite pleasing; and yet the number this year is a bit disappointing to several individuals.  The disappointment is that we now see Drake in a league where 90% is the normal retention percentage.  Several factors concerning the departed students are being closely examined including financial reasons. The desire is to look at multiple factors and learn from them what measures need to be considered to raise the rate.  He was quite pleased with the amount of cooperation from the whole campus community in working with these first year students. That is a pleasant indicator of the Drake we have become.  Vice Provost Wanda Everage indicated that the examination of those students who left is ongoing and CAAD (Council of Academic and Administrative Deans) will look to the future to keep the quality experience continuing for this year’s students.


Report from President Sanders

-- President Sanders opened his remarks asking the Senators to introduce themselves. Introductions were made around the table.

-- Due to the lateness of 08-09 Faculty Senate formation, committees are still in the process of being formed.  The process was slowed due to the web information not being up-to-date. The Institutional Review Board was formed during the summer.

-- President Sanders announced that as with other institutions; there are significant faculty time pressures.  At the October Senate meeting, there will be a discussion concerning time pressures and there will be a short survey to be sent out to faculty soon asking for their input.  He requested that Senators invite their colleagues to complete the survey in preparation of the October meeting.


Old Business –

--Selection of Vice President was delayed as no nominations were presented.


New Business –

Senators McCrickerd and Vitha presented Motion 09-01 to:

Endorse the Strategic Plan


President Sanders indicated that the Senate’s role was not to formally approve the document.  The desire is to know that the document, even though it is still evolving, is supported by the Senate.   President Maxwell indicated there are key characteristics which are different in this document than previous two Strategic Plans.  One major difference is that this is not an escape plan.  The context which was used was the Vision 2012 document. He referenced the Operating Precepts as one of the good parts which came from the Planning Committee.  These are important to us as an institution.  He noted the document has multiple mentions of study groups being created.  These groups will create the ways to meet the strategies.  These groups will not be formed by the Planning Council.


Senator Chesnut asked if there were comments sent via the blueView channel.  He replied that only hers was received.  Senator Chesnut continued that she has seen several wellness facilities on other campuses and she feels that portion of the Plan should be stated stronger. Her request was for an inclusion of language which included the financial backing to enhance facilities.  Senator Gilbert asked if Drake’s organization was unique in having the Wellness Program responsible to the Athletic Director. Senator McCrickerd indicated she believes it is a common practice.  There was an acknowledgment that a strong wellness program and facility has retention implications.  Wanda Everage, who co-chaired the Planning Council’s Wellness Subcommittee, indicated that their intent was to be mindful of the whole person not just the physical self and not just students.


Senator Vitha referenced the Operating Precepts portion which mentions endowments and then resources.  He asked if it was worth having a separate bullet point for increasing resources.  President Maxwell stated that he would think about that separation.


Motion passed on voice vote


President Maxwell thanked the Planning Council for their twelve month effort towards this document and the up to 100 persons who had input into this compete community effort.


Senators Parsa and Van Wyke presented Motion 09-02 to:

Approve changes in the alcohol policy (Appendix A; Student Handbook).

Medical Amnesty Regarding University Disciplines

Drake University’s primary concern is the health and safety of its students.  Drake is aware that students are sometimes reluctant to seek medical attention in alcohol- and drug-related emergencies, out of fear that they may face sanctions related to possessing or consuming alcohol and drugs.  Because these emergencies are potentially life-threatening, Drake wants to do what it can to reduce barriers that prevent students from seeking assistance. 

Accordingly, students who seek emergency medical attention for themselves or someone else related to the consumption of alcohol or drugs will be referred for substance abuse evaluation and/or treatment, instead of receiving the University-imposed fines discussed above, for the alcohol- or drug-related policy violation.

Amnesty only applies when a student initiates the call for emergency medical attention and only when the emergency medical attention is needed to address alcohol or drug emergencies.  It does not apply when the individual suffering from the alcohol or drug emergency is discovered by a University official (e.g., security, RA, etc.).

Amnesty does not apply to violations of the Code that are egregious, in the judgment of the Dean of Students, such as perpetrators of sexual assault, weapons possession, and drug offenses beyond mere possession.

Drake strongly encourages students to seek emergency treatment when alcohol poisoning or a drug overdose is suspected.

Signs of Alcohol Poisoning

          Inability to rouse the person with loud shouting or vigorous shaking

          Inability by a person who has passed out to stay awake for more than 2-3 minutes

          Slow or irregular breathing, or lapses in breathing

          Weak pulse, very rapid pulse, or very slow pulse,

          Cold, clammy, or bluish skin

          Vomiting while passed out, not waking up after vomiting, or incoherent while vomiting


Call 911 if you have any suspicion of an alcohol or drug overdose.  The person’s life may be in danger.  It is better to be safe than sorry.


Dean of Student Sentwali Bakari indicated this proposed change is meant to encourage students to call for help when it is an emergency.  It is intended to promote safety.   This came about from student suggestions, especially Ben Cooper who is in attendance today.  Student Senate has looked at it and had no problem.  The Residence Life staff who will be persons who will deal directly with these situations believes this will encourage students to seek help without an immediate monetary concern.  It does not grant amnesty from other policies when students are found to be under the influence.  The document has been seen by University’s counsel. 


Senator McCrickerd asked if this may be seen as providing amnesty from all policies and laws. Senator Reincke wondered if it could be made clearer to separate perpetrators of crimes from victims.  Provost Troyer cautioned that if wording is changed it would need to be seen and approved again by counsel. 


Several examples or scenarios were presented where amnesty would not be included such as any legal infractions or when a Drake staff member is the person encountering a student medical situation.  The Senate offered two portions to have additional wording, in the third and fourth paragraphs. (shown above in italics) This wording was offered to clarify the intent of the policy towards assault victims and those who seek medical attention for others.  Senator Dore suggested an addition to the policy title which would help indicate that the amnesty regards University imposed disciplines.


Upon proper motion, the main motion was tabled.


Faculty Senate ended at 4:40p.m.          Nancy Geiger, Secretary