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Minutes of the Faculty Senate meeting                      January 27, 2010


The regular meeting of the 2009-2010 Faculty Senate was called to order at 3:30 p.m. by President Houle. The following senators were present for all or part of the meeting: Chesnut, Clapham, Courard-Hauri, Cramer, DeWitt, Dore, Esposito, Gilbert, Houle, Klipec, Knepper, Koch, Lyons, Mosser, Petersen, Reincke, Van Wyke, Vitha, Walker

Absent: Bartschat, Cravero

Upon proper motion and vote, November 2009 minutes were accepted.

President Maxwell Report

President Maxwell noted that two campus-wide task forces concerning alcohol abuse and sexual violence have begun meeting. Also, last weekend the Board of Trustees meet locally in a retreat fashion. They were presented next year’s budget assumptions. These will be presented to the campus at a ‘town hall’ meeting soon.  Additionally at the Board meeting, the campus master plan was reviewed. He highlighted two features: the Cartwright Hall renovation and Turner Jazz Center.  Vice Provost John Burney and others presented information concerning the ongoing curriculum revision process.  Athletic Director Sandy Club presented the Athletic Strategic Plan. President Maxwell indicated it was an impressive presentation of how athletics will continue to be integrated into the Drake’s mission.

President Maxwell spoke of the Distinctly Drake campaign.  He described how conversations over time develop into sound relationships. The effort is to find what matters to a person who has interest in Drake and, in this case, it became the Turner Jazz Center. He also shared some numbers articulating how his time has been spent from June through December on the Distinctly Drake Campaign. 

Currently Drake has over a 20% increase in undergraduate applications for Fall 2010; and this may be due to individuals submitting multiple online applications. On campus visits are up including some local prospective students at the president’s home this past week.

Lastly, President Maxwell shared a recent experience. He was attending an Association of New American Colleges meeting where a colleague complimented him on Drake’s reputation. He said it made him quite pleased.

Senator Reincke asked a question about the Board of Trustees learning about the curriculum revisions before any proposal has been approved.  President Maxwell assured the Senate that the Board received the presentation because they had asked to be informed of the process and it was made very clear that nothing has been yet determined. The emphasis was that this is a Mission-driven proposal. Senator Reincke expressed her concern that now the faculty might have a hard time to not approve the proposal.

Provost Renner indicated that the Academic Affairs chair and Board chair were thoughtful and clear that what was being presented was not finished.  This was an informational session to share the process and thought which were going into the curriculum process.


Provost Renner Report

Provost Renner noted that Vice Provost John Burney is leaving Drake at the end of this semester. Currently the Provost is working on a plan for Drake to continue to have a curriculum and assessment champion. Later in February, Dr. Ann Kovalchick will begin as Drake’s Chief Information Technology Officer (CITO). Provost Renner expressed a sincere public ‘thank you’ to the search committee. He was pleased at the transparency and campus inclusiveness of the process.  The spring 2010 enrollment will be determined soon. There are no signs of trouble in the preliminary numbers. 

The Board of Trustees approved fifteen sabbaticals of which one is pre-tenure.  Provost Renner indicated that he will suggest a change of language concerning the split sabbatical. He emphasized that this is not a structural change merely language to add clarity.

The recent globalization survey (taken by faculty, staff and students) results are being reviewed.  The current faculty recruiting pools are strong and in almost every concluded search, Drake has been able to hire the top choice. We have strong candidates and this will be a great year.  Additionally, the Actuarial Science Department has been given an unconditional accreditation from the Department of Education.  There are about eight such designations in the nation.

Senator Vitha asked for clarification of announced joint position professors.  Provost Renner’s reply noted the joint appointment to chemistry and education which follows a national trend in science education.  Senator Reincke thanked the Provost for commenting in Senate on the Vice Provost’s position. She requested to know which mechanism he will use to gather faculty input. He indicated that he does not have that in place yet.

Senator Koch asked to know what the CITO will work on first when she starts.  The Provost replied that her first official day will be February 19th and that a triage list of projects has been assembled.  This is a list which the Information Technology (IT) personnel had assembled last fall at his request.

Senator Esposito asked about the sabbaticals. His concern was the pressure on course scheduling that departments face unless faculty replacements are funded. The Provost acknowledged that as the Fall 2010 enrollment figures are known and proposals are presented, this will be a Deans Council discussion.  


President Houle Report

President Houle recognized Theresa Koch as a new Senator due to Rahul Parsa’s resignation.  He commented that he found several of the Board of Trustee presentations to be informative.  He has suggested to the administration that some topics should be presented to the campus community also. 

President Houle recognized Joanna Mosser, Chair of the University Curriculum Committee (UCC). She distributed a schedule of their upcoming semester long activities.  The Drake Curriculum Task Force sent the proposal for revisions to the curriculum to the UCC in early December 2009.  The UCC wants to have broad and inclusive dialogue. Each member of the committee is to talk with their constituency. Also, a web survey is out to gather general feedback. There are expected to be both student and faculty forums.

Norah Carroll, from Student Senate, was recognized. She indicated that the Student Activities Board is working to present more late night programming at the Provost’s urging. They are in their budgeting process and reviewing their by-laws. One change in the works is the representation of organizations.


Old Business – none presented


New Business –

Senators Gilbert and Courard-Hauri moved and seconded 10-03:

"RESOLVED:  That the Faculty Senate endorses the creation of a "public" interface for Drake University's iTunesU presence, so that Drake students, faculty, and staff will have the option to post resources for downloading by any and all iTunesU user(s) (as long as such posting complies with the appropriate Policy on Acceptable use of Computer Technology as established by the University

Senator Gilbert presented background on iTunes and cloud computing and how it impacts Drake.  Presented gave background of iTunes U, cloud computing, and open source opportunities and how it impacts Drake. He challenged the Senate to think about what would happen is one of the networks or sources went away or had issues. He articulated that with Open Access Initiative, the person does not lose his/her copyrights. Cowles Library has expertise and will help faculty through the process of posting and knowing their rights.  He went on to explain how Open Educational Resources is a way to share materials from a particular course and to explain that there are alternatives to the iTunes U. 

Senator Gilbert expressed his opinion that the sooner Drake goes in this direction will be to Drake’s advantage.  His interest was to get discussion going about Open Access amongst the faculty.

Senator Reincke asked if this would bypass the purchase of expensive journals.  Senator Gilbert indicated that was a yes-and-no situation, depending on the journal.  Senator Petersen asked if the library will drop journals which do not go to the Open Access Initiative. The reply was that it is too hard to know.  Senator Klipec expressed concern about the motion’s opened ended wording and the effort needed to obtain co-author permissions.


Senator Chesnut asked if Drake should create a public site within iTunes. Senator Gilbert believed Drake should. Senators asked what direct impact passing this motion would have especially considering the new CITO is yet to arrive. Senator Houle believed the motion expresses endorsement of the concept yet does not make a priority for the CITO. Senator Dore asked if there are disadvantages. The reply was that no direct disadvantages are known. Both Senators Esposito and Vitha expressed concern about oversight noting that both faculty and students can post. Senator Gilbert acknowledged that is where some resources would need to be assigned.


Upon proper motion and vote, the Senate tabled motion 10-03.


Senators Klipec and Lyons moved and seconded Motion 10-04:

to approve four Academic Calendars 2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2013-2014, 2014-2015

Nancy Geiger, Faculty Senate Secretary, was acknowledged to present background. She indicated that current procedures call for two academic calendars to be presented to the Senate each year. This was not done last year based on the Drake Curriculum conversations at that time. Hence, this year four academic years are being presented. The question was asked if approval of any of these calendars would adversely affect any academic calendar changes which may be presented later this semester.  Ms. Geiger believed that answer was no, stating that a change in plan is easier once there is a plan.  When asked, it was clarified that the approval of spring break dates is separate from these calendar approvals.

Provost Renner noted that in December 2009 there was little support for an idea to shift the weather related missed class day to the Day Free for Study due to the many academic activities scheduled on that day. He did not see that as being a true Day Free for Study.  Senator Houle indicated that the UCC has mentioned they will have some calendar revision suggestions later in the Spring 2010 semester.

The motion passed on a voice vote with one abstention.


Senators Courard-Hauri and Esposito moved and seconded Motion 10-05:

Replace selected portions of Faculty Manual Section 2.135  and

Calendar Construction Guidelines Grading section C with:

Dates for summer classes, as posted in the schedule of classes, signify the date on which the class begins meeting and the end date (i.e., the last date on which the class will meet). 

Final grades for summer classes are due by 10:00 AM on the 4th calendar day following the end date of the class.

However, the instructor may establish a due date for completion of class work that extends beyond the stated end date of the class but is no later than the last day of the summer term. This extension must be clearly stated in both the schedule of classes and in the class syllabus. For these extensions, final grades will be due by 10:00 AM on the 4th calendar day following the stated due date for completion of class work.

to be implemented beginning with Summer 2010 classes


Kevin Moenkhaus, Assistant Director of Student Records and Academic Information, was acknowledged to present background.  Mr. Moenkhaus indicated the purpose of this change is to place clear language when a class will end and when final grades are due.  There was some discussion of how the new language would apply to various summer experiences which individual Senators have had as faculty or their students.

With a voice vote, the motion passed.

The Senate moved and passed the procedural motion to extend the meeting past 5:00 p.m.

Senators Gilbert and Klipec moved and seconded Motion 10-06:

revise Calendar Construction Guidelines Grading section D

If University offices are closed at the time set by these guidelines, course grades shall be due

by 10:00 AM on the day at the time that the University offices next open thereafter.

Nancy Geiger, Faculty Senate Secretary, was acknowledged to present background. She indicated this change inserts time of day (10:00 a.m.) specificity into the Guidelines. Sections A, B and C each have the same time of day specificity.

Without further discussion the motion passed with a voice vote.


The meeting ended at 5:05 p.m.