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Iowa Band Conductors Forum

January 22-23, 2016

The 3rd Annual Iowa Band Conductors Forum will be held January 22-23, 2016 on the campus of Drake University.

This is the continuation of a shared initiative of the University of Northern Iowa, Drake University, Iowa Sate University, and the University of Iowa to further the Art of Conducting for band conductors of all levels of teaching and conducting skills.

The faculty for this event includes: Michael Golemo, Director of Bands at Iowa State University, Mark Heidel, Director of Bands at the University of Iowa, Ron Johnson, Director of Bands at the University of Northern Iowa, and Bob Meunier, Director of Bands at Drake University.

The event features a variety of discussions, presentations, and activities all centered around the development of band conducting skills. There are also opportunities for twelve participants to conduct the Drake University Wind Symphony and receive feedback about their conducting from the event faculty.

The event is free of charge to all participants and course credit may be available to you for your continuing education. Sponsored by the Iowa Bandmasters Association, and Drake University.

Eventbrite - Iowa Band Conductors Forum at Drake University

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