Public Relations

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Ideal Course of Study

Semester 1
JMC 30: Mass Media in a Global Society
JMC 31: Multimedia Lab

Semester 2
JMC 54: Reporting & Writing Principles (Pre-Req for JMC 123: PR Writing)
PSY 001: Intro to Psychology (Doesn’t have to complete in this semester – anytime will work) WITH LAB FOR AOI
POLS 001: American Political Systems (Doesn’t have to complete in this semester – anytime will work)

Semester 3
JMC 40: Pre-Professional Workshop
JMC 85: PR Principles
SCSS 001: Survey of Sociology (Doesn’t have to complete in this semester – anytime will work)
ECON 2: Principles of Microeconomics (Pre-Req for MKT 101)
JMC 41: Financial Fundamentals (required for students entering Fall 2015 or later; sophomore or junior year)
JMC 55: Digital Media Strategies (required for students entering Fall 2015 or later; sophomore or junior year)

Semester 4
JMC 123: PR Writing
JMC 59: Intro to Visual Communication (Pre-Req for JMC 131: PR Collateral Materials)

Semester 5
JMC 144: PR Case Studies Analysis
JMC 66: Media Responsibility Over Time (not required for students entering after Fall 2015)
MKT 101: Marketing Principles

Semester 6
JMC 143: Publicity
JMC 104: Communication Law & Ethics
MGMT 110: Management Processes and Behavior

Semester 7
JMC 136: PR Research (yearlong capstone)

Semester 8
JMC 146: PR Campaigns (yearlong capstone)

Additional Information About Ideal Course of Study

  • Only SJMC Core/Major Requirements Listed Here
  • All PR courses are sequential and must be completed prior to moving along in the curriculum. Some allowances have been made on a case-by-case basis for transfer students and others changing majors.
  • Graduating early is a possibility, but you must plan for a yearlong capstone beginning in the Fall semester.
  • We can offer from 1 to 3 credits for an internship experience. This must be pre-approved by a PR faculty member.
  • It is possible to study abroad as a PR major, with many students choosing sophomore or junior year to do so. With a yearlong capstone, you may not study abroad during your senior year.