Psychology & Neuroscience

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Psychology Awards

Anthony C. Westerhof Award
This award is presented annually to the outstanding senior psychology major with the highest overall academic performance in a rigorous program of studies, in honor of Dr. Anthony C. Westerhof, Prof. Emeritus, who taught at Drake for 27 years, 15 of those years as Psych. Dept. Chair.

Experimental Psychology Award
This award is presented to the outstanding junior or senior psychology major whose studies have emphasized experimental psychology.

W. Scott Wood Award
This award is presented to an outstanding junior or senior psychology major whose studies have emphasized applied psychology, in honor of Dr. W. Scott Wood, Professor, who taught at Drake for 36 years promoting the principles of applied behavior analysis.

Judith L. Allen Award
This award is presented to a junior or senior psychology student who has demonstrated outstanding engagement in service activities for the benefit of others. In honor of Dr. Judith L. Allen, Associate Professor of Psychology, who directed her expertise in sociably psychology toward advancing social justice.

Outstanding Junior in Psychology
Presented to an outstanding junior psychology major who has shown exceptional promise for a career in psychology.

Neuroscience Awards

Outstanding Senior in Neuroscience
This award is presented annually to the outstanding senior neuroscience major showing distinguished overall academic performance in a rigorous program of studies in both classroom and research (either experimental or applied).

Neuroscience Research Award
This award is presented to an outstanding junior neuroscience major who has shown exceptional promise for a career in neuroscience or othe closely allied fields.

Outstanding Junior in Neuroscience
Presented to an outstanding junior neuroscience major who has shown exceptional promise for a career in neuroscience or other closely allied fields.

Cross-Disciplinary Award

Research Contribution Special Award
Presented to exceptional cross-disciplinary students (non-majors) who have made outstanding research contributions in the field of psychology or neuroscience.


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