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SOE Policies

School of Education Statement of Governance

The School of Education expects intellectual integrity on the part of undergraduate and graduate students who participate in professional preparation and enhancement offered by the School. As future practitioners, students of the Drake University School of Education must maintain high ethical standards and academic honesty. Follow the link to read the full SOE Governance

SOE Governance Policy March 2024

School of Education Grievance Policy

Within the School of Education, a student has the opportunity to file a grievance, or formal written complaint, with the Grievance Committee. The process of filing a grievance with the SOE is outlined in these Grievance Procedures.

School of Education Admission Policy

Graduate Work.  Students may take up to two courses OR 6 hours of graduate credit before admission to a graduate program. After two courses OR 6 hours, students must be admitted, or further registration will not be possible.

Any waiver must be requested by an advisor of a specific program and approved by the Associate Dean.

Undergraduate Transfer Work.  If you are a student currently enrolled at Drake University and are interested in enrolling in a course at another US Institution for transfer to Drake, complete the Transfer Credit Request Form prior to enrollment in the course.  The Office of the Registrar will review the courses to ensure that they will transfer to Drake University.  

Drake University Policies



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