Faculty Senate 2006-2007

Minutes of the Faculty Senate meeting September 20, 2006

The regular meeting of the 2006-2007 Faculty Senate was called to order at 4:15 p.m. by President Rick Morrow.  The following senators were present for all or part of the meeting. Alexander, Bartschat, Cairns, DeLaet, Dore, Larson, Lindbeck, Lyons, Morrow, Nelson, Reed, Richardson, Saylor, Simpson, Saulding-Kruse, Torry, Vitha, Younger

Absent: Conley, Courard-Hauri, Wisniewski

Secretary’s Note: The Senate meeting was preceded with a presentation from the Mary Breslin, Associate Director of the Higher Learning Commission (HLC).  Faculty and staff gathered to hear Ms. Breslin describe the HLC visitation process and outline expectations for their upcoming visit to Drake.  She fielded a couple of questions concerning the recommendation process and procedural issues.

The May 2006 minutes were accepted.

President Maxwell

President Maxwell had presented at the Fall Convocation on outline of a three stage planning process. His remarks will soon be available on the web.  He explained there is an episodic, uneven nature to planning and Drake will begin to redesign how we look at our future.

Report from Provost Troyer

Provost Troyer presented some of the Fall 2006 official enrollment numbers.  He highlighted a couple of areas where there has been a growth, such has the undergraduate enrollments. The Fall 2006 official headcount total is 5366.  Additional, there is an increase in the undergraduate first year to second year retention rate. In 2000 to 2001, there was approximately an 80% return of direct from high school students. The rate was 88.38% for students from 2005 returning for 2006.  This provides evidence to support the Noel-Levitz survey where students had praised us.

Report from President Morrow

President Morrow presented a chart of basic parliamentary procedures to each Senator. He indicated this was as much for the chair’s use as for the body.   He reminded the group that they had been elected to this body. Even though each comes with individual disciplinary expertise, this forum is a non-partisan group. There will be times when we ask opinion of the President and/or Provost, but Senators need to discuss freely and vote wisely.

Unfinished Business – none presented

New Business – none presented

The Senate adjourned the regular session at 4:45 p.m. 

Secretary, Nancy Geiger