Faculty Senate

D R A K E  U N I V E R S I T Y



The Drake University Faculty Senate will meet in regular session on

February 20, 2008 in Old Main, Levitt Hall at 3:30 p.m.



  1. Call to Order


  1. Roll Call


  1. Approval of January 2008 minutes


  1. Report from President Maxwell  - out of town on University Business

NOTE: If any Senator would like to submit a question for President Maxwell

for the meeting, please email that question to President Simpson (louann.simpson@drake.edu) and/or President Maxwell (david.maxwell@drake.edu)


  1. Report from Provost Troyer
  2. Report from President Simpson

                  Report from Student Senate


                  Campus Council update


                  Discussion Item: DRAFT 2008-2012 Strategic Plan                  Troyer/Burney


7    New Business:

      Motion to endorse recommendations from Campus Council concerning

      Student Handbook and Academic Catalog                                                        Walker


8. Unfinished Business:

      Motion to endorse changes to the Student Handbook                            De Laet


9. Adjournment


Judy Elings

Assistant Manager

University Book Store

3003 Forest Ave

Des Moines, Iowa 50311

Ph. 515-274-3401
