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D R A K E  U N I V E R S I T Y



The Drake University Faculty Senate will meet in regular session on

April 14, 2010 in Levitt Hall, Old Main at 3:30 p.m.


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call


  1. Approval of  March 2010 minutes


  1. Report from President Maxwell        

NOTE: If any Senator would like to submit a question for President Maxwell for the meeting, please email that question to President Houle ( and/or President Maxwell (

  1. Report from Provost Renner
  2. Report from President Houle

                  Student Senate Report


  1. Unfinished Business


     8.   New Business            


Motion:             Change the reporting line of the IRB (Institutional Review Board) and the IACUC (Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee) from the Faculty Senate to the Provost.  Faculty Senate will retain the role of recommending faculty members to the Provost for appointment to each of these committees.


Background: The Drake University ethical review board for human subject research, the Institutional Review Board (IRB), serves an important function in the review of research protocols.  A similar role regarding animal research and care is fulfilled by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC).  Drake has had each of these committees in place for many years as committees of the Faculty Senate. 


The IRB and IACUC are intended to be independent ethical oversight bodies, and there is potential for the independence to be reduced when they report to another faculty body.  In addition, it is important for both committees to have a clear line to the person who serves as the Institutional Official (IO), a role required in the federal regulations for both bodies. Regulations require that an IO in charge of these two committees hold a position in the institution that allows access to resources in case these are necessary to carry out the committees’ duties. The IO must also be able to provide necessary guidance with changes in federal regulations. At Drake, the Institutional Official for both IRB and IACUC is the Provost.



9. Adjournment