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SJMC Monday Memo – Feb. 10, 2025

Monday, February 10th, 2025

Drake students win ICMA awards

Drake students won 24 awards, including seven first place prizes at the Iowa College Media Association convention last week. That beats out last year’s haul of 17 awards and five first places. Here’s the complete list:

First Place

Second Place

Third Place

Honorable Mention

Be a Dotdash Meredith Apprentice

You can work for the largest magazine media company in America. The DotDash Meredith Apprenticeship Program allows ambitious journalists and graphic designers the opportunity to earn both academic credit and gain professional, portfolio-level work experience.  

Selected students commit to working 15-20 hours per week at DotDash Meredith both semesters of either their junior or senior year. Apprentices earn a minimum of $15 an hour as well as up to three credits per semester.

To apply either share a Google Drive link or send an email to containing a cover letter, resume, and (if applicable) up to five work samples all contained in one PDF by 5 p.m. Fri., March 14. Interviews will be held the last week of March. For more info contact Prof. Inman at the above email address.  

Times-Delphic survey 

The Times-Delphic is writing a second Hubbell story, detailing the new changes and updates to the dining hall. Please fill out this survey. It should take no longer than five minutes. If you have any questions or would like to explicitly be interviewed, please email  

SJMC Drake Relays T-Shirt Design Competition!  

This year, to celebrate the SJMC and Drake Relays, we are asking students/faculty/staff to submit their designs for an SJMC/Drake Relays T-Shirt! The “winning” design will receive a gift card to the Bulldog Shop and a free T-shirt with their design!  Designs will be accepted through Friday February 28th and SJMC Faculty/Staff will select the winning design at the March Faculty Meeting. Please email your design to Kate Busch –  

2025 PRSA Iowa Scholarship Applications Now Open! 

PRSA Iowa’s 2025 scholarship applications are now open. Once again, we will offer three scholarship opportunities to support students and professionals in their pursuit of a PR or communications education or professional development goals.  

  • Ferne Bonomi and Dr. Henry Milam Student Scholarship ($1,500) 
  • DEI Student Scholarship ($1,000) 
  • Professional Development Scholarship ($1,000) 

Learn more about each scholarship and find applications on our website.  

All applications are due on March 21, 2024. Please email Christina Gayman, APR with questions

Student Advertising Summit 

The Student Advertising Summit (SAS) is a 2-day event that connects students and young professionals in the advertising, communications, public relations, and marketing fields. This is a unique opportunity to bolster your understanding of the industry. SAS is a launchpad for your personal growth and success, inviting you to explore the topics and careers you’re most interested in.

Event Details:  
Date: February 14, 2025
Location: University of Minnesota – McNamara Alumni Center
Website: Link
Tickets: Get your ticket!