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Chemistry Minor

Students can pursue a minor in Chemistry regardless of their primary major. A Chemistry minor requires 32 credit hours of courses in chemistry, physics and mathematics.

Current Catalog requirements for a minor in Chemistry
Prior Catalog Requirements

Minor Requirements

The chemistry minor provides a broad and general exposure to the traditional areas of the chemical science.

A minor in chemistry may be earned by completing 24 credit hours in the following sequence of chemistry courses and 7 credit hours in supplementary courses (physics and calculus) for a total of 31 credits.:

Course Credits
CHEM 001 and 003 - General Chemistry I (with lab) 4
CHEM 002 and 004 - General Chemistry II (with lab) 4
CHEM 081 - Analytical Methods 4
CHEM 097 and 098 - Organic Chemistry I (with lab) 4
CHEM 108 and 110 - Organic Chemistry II (with lab) 4
Select one course from the following:  
CHEM 130 and 131 - Biochemistry I: Fundamentals (with lab) 4
CHEM 155 - Organic Reactions & Applications 4
CHEM 161 - Biophysical Chemistry 4
CHEM 165 - Thermodynamics and Kinetics 4
MATH 050 – Calculus I 3
PHY 011 – General Physics I (with lab) 4
Total 31

Supplementary courses: Students who wish to minor in chemistry must take one semester of physics and MATH 050 - Calculus I.

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