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Team Based Learning

Development of an Internship

In this column, student interns provide insight on the development of an internship, focusing on the inception, difficulties and challenges students face in a program that is still in the development process.

Implementing a Residency Program

A new, innovative pharmacy residency has been developed at Marshfield Clinic, the fifth largest non-profit multi- specialty clinic in the US. This 12-month program provides the necessary opportunities for highly motivated pharmacists to achieve their professional goals and includes a wide variety of rotations, such as drug information, managed care, oncology, outpatient pharmacy, supply chain management, and research opportunities. This column discusses the conception and implementation of the residency, and the challenges that accompanied it.

Preparing for an International Rotation

Erin Frazee traveled to Belize in January 2009 as Drake’s first pharmacy students to complete a clinical rotation at the Hillside Health Care International Clinic (http://www.hil Erin strongly believes in the importance of turning an ordinary opportunity into an extraordinary one. This is a belief she was able to incorporate into this rotation in a rural, impoverished setting with her “Pack the Suitcase” project.