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Kathryn Overberg Profile Katie Overberg 

Director of Career Development



JD – University of Iowa College of Law, with high distinction; Managing Editor Iowa Law Review; Iowa State Bar Association Graduating Senior Award
BA – Washington University (St. Louis); Political Science, Writing; Varsity soccer

Areas of Responsibility

Counsel law students and alumni on all aspects of professionalism, legal recruitment, and employment
Oversee office management and strategic planning including compliance and reporting requirements
Engage in student programming and services, as well as community and employer relations

Professional Experience

Labor and employment attorney, Nyemaster Goode, P.C.
Associate University Counsel, Iowa State University
Development Manager, Courage League Sports
Title IX Coordinator, Drake University

Significant Accomplishments

Drake True Blue Award
Invited speaker at local and national conferences regarding labor and employment, discrimination, and Title IX
Planning committee member and frequent speaker, National Association of College and University Attorneys

Public Service

Board member and volunteer coach, Iowa Rush Soccer Club
Coach, Girls on the Run
Volunteer, Blank Children’s Hospital Child Life Services
Coach/leadership staff, Julie Foudy Sports Leadership Academy  
Board member, Young Women’s Resource Center

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