Sally Frank Profile

Professor of Law
Areas of Expertise
Professional Skills, Clinical Education, Women's Rights
MA – Clinical Legal Education-Antioch University
JD – New York University School of Law
AB – Princeton University
Professional Experience
Drake Law School professor since 1990
Clinical Fellow at Antioch
Clerk for Judge Emily Goodman of the Civil Court, Manhattan
Clinical associate professor at New York Law School
Selected Publications
- A City Council Examines Pornography: A Role-play for a Law School Class, 21 Women's Rights Law Reporter 169 (2000).
- The Key to Unlocking the Clubhouse Door: The Application of Anti-Discrimination Laws to Quasi-Private Clubs, 2 Michigan Journal of Gender & Law 27 (1994).
- Eve Was Right to Eat The Apple: The Importance of Narrative Theory to the Art of Lawyering, 8 Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 79 (1995).
Significant Accomplishments
- Spoke about "Freedom Speaks, Freedom of Association v. Anti-discrimination" on Nashville Public Television
- Has served as a member of the Iowa Supreme Court Advisory Committee on Iowa Rules of Evidence
- Hardee's Hometown Hero Award for Human Rights
- Has served as a member of the International Board of Women of Reform Judaism and the Commission on Social Action of Reform Judaism and the Union of Reform Judaism North American Board
- Was an Iowa representative to the American Civil Liberties Union national board