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Academic Information

Drake Law School has provided academic information to answer all admitted students' questions and help them be prepared for the first day of class.

All Summer and Fall classes (unless otherwise designated) are planned to be in-person, subject to any unanticipated pandemic restrictions. Students should plan for in-person classes for Summer and Fall 2021 (unless otherwise designated) and to attend in-person for the entire term. If a student has a health concern that prevents attendance at a limited number of classes in-person, a live-stream recording of the class will be available through Panopto. 

Academic Calendar

See Drake Law School's 2024-2025 Academic Calendar


The University Bookstore handles all books for law classes.

Drake University Bookstore
Olmsted Center, 2875 University Ave.
Des Moines, IA 50311

P 515-274-3401

Regular Hours:
9 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

Visit the University Bookstore website.


An email will be sent to you prior to orientation with registration details. 

Readings and Resources

Some incoming students may find various readings beneficial to help them prepare for law school. This list assembled by the Drake Law Library contains suggested readings and resources to read during the summer as well as during your tenure at Drake Law School.

Readings and Resources for New Students.

Note: These readings are not required, but are additional readings intended to help guide incoming students.

Section Assignments

The entering class will be divided into two equal sections for class scheduling purposes.

To ensure equality, section assignments will not be made until August. Students will receive email notification as soon as section assignments have been made.

Section requests will not be granted with the exception of childcare or medical conflicts. Students should understand that the section beginning classes earlier in the day during the fall semester typically has a later start time in the spring semester and vice versa.

Questions about section assignments should be directed to the Drake Office of Admission at 515-271-2782 or

Working While in Law School

The transition to law school requires focused attention on coursework, including more reading and analysis than what was likely experienced during students’ undergraduate education.

Drake Law School discourages students from employment during the first year in order to devote their attention to their legal studies.

Law School Calendar 
Law School News