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International Groups

American Friends Service Committee
Kathleen McQuillen
4211 Grand Ave.
Des Moines, IA 50312
(515) 274-4851
American Friends Service Committee Website

Central Mission of the Organization:

The American Friends Service Committee is a practical expression of the faith of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). Committed to the principles of nonviolence and justice, it seeks in its work and witness to draw on the transforming power of love, human and divine.

History of the Organization:

The American Friends Service Committee carries out service, development, social justice, and peace programs throughout the world. Founded by Quakers in 1917 to provide conscientious objectors with an opportunity to aid civilian war victims, AFSC's work attracts the support and partnership of people of many races, religions, and cultures.

International Issues and Focus:

Criminal Justice / New Visions of Justice

Economic Justice

Humanitarian Assistance

Immigration / Migration

Peacebuilding / Conflict Prevention


Events and Programs Sponsored:

Speakers, rallies and public education related to peace and justice.


AFSC accepts contributions from the public.