The Jay N. Darling Institute
Strengthening the Heartland
The Jay N. Darling Institute works to create partnerships between Drake and the people of rural communities to help bolster the economic, social, and cultural vibrancy of rural America.
Partnering with Rural Communities to Overcome Challenges
Residents had to drive 50 miles round trip for fresh produce when the only grocery store in Manson, Iowa, closed. Watch how Drake collaborated with rural community members; offering resources, knowledge, and support to create solutions for a more sustainable, competitive, and resilient rural America.

DarlingCorps is a program that empowers Drake students to step into a key role leading effective, long-lasting change in rural communities. Each DarlingCorps student is required to participate in a project of their choosing with a rural community for approximately one year. This effort will result in 10-15 sustainability initiatives annually, in 6-10 communities located within an hour's drive from campus.

Commitment to Sustainability
The Darling Institute is leading sustainability initiatives in partnership with communities around Iowa and the Midwest. Learn more about the projects our students are currently working on.

Contact the Darling Institute
Dr. Keith S. Summerville
Paul and Claudia Schickler Executive Director of the Jay N. Darling Institute
Professor of Environmental Science, Environmental Science and Sustainability