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Establish New Partnerships

Global Partnerships Start Here

Drake University strives to create strategic partnerships with the potential to be transformative for both (or all) partners as they collaborate. Global Engagement facilitates the process of developing and assessing new global partnerships. We also manage the agreements governing these formal relationships, ensuring coordination with all concerned units across campus.

What makes a successful partnership?

Impactful & Interdisciplinary

  • Engaging students, faculty and staff across multiple disciplines.

Committed & Sustainable

  • Built on the strengths and values of each partner.
  • Championed by faculty members with strong contacts and interests in the country and institution.
  • Demonstrating commitment to regular communication, willingness to resolve differences, and openness to develop new projects as the relationship grows.

How to Get Started

  1. 1

    Consult your academic/administrative unit head

    Make sure your proposed collaboration aligns with your unit’s Continuous Improvement Plan and discuss whether unit resources are available to support the activity.

  2. 2

    Contact the Global Partnerships team

    We maintain records of all existing agreements and may be able to advise on planned collaboration elsewhere on campus that is relevant to your proposal.

    Contact Us

  3. 3

    Draft new agreement

    The Global Partnerships team can help you get started and ensure coordination with legal counsel and others at Drake.

  4. 4

    Partner review

    Once the draft agreement is approved by Drake, it may be forwarded to the partner institution(s) for their review. Further negotiation may be needed to achieve consensus on a final agreement.

  5. 5

    Sign agreement

    Two originals are signed by all parties. One is kept by Drake Global Engagement, and the other is kept by the partner institution for their records.

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October 4, 2024