The Center for the Humanities sponsors student awards in the name of recently retired Arts and Sciences faculty whose teaching and research were primarily in the Humanities.
Departments from which such faculty retire are eligible, upon application, to make $100 awards for each of the first five years after the qualifying retirement to an outstanding senior major. Awards are administered by academic departments and given by the department representatives at the Arts and Sciences Honors Convocation.
May 1 of the retiree's last academic year of full-time service.
Departments may apply for the five-year's funding before May 1 of the Spring semester of the academic year during which the retirement takes place. The chair or authorized member of the department should send a letter formally requesting the named award and briefly explaing how the retiree's research or teaching (or both) contributed to the Humanities.
Departments whose applications miss this deadline may apply for the funds, on an annually prorated basis, for the following years, up to five years after the qualifying retirement.
Vibeke Petersen Emerita Award, Department for the Study of Culture and Society, funded through 2016-2017