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Library Access Outside Posted Library Hours

The policy below outlines the requirements for using the Law Library outside of publicly posted hours.

  • Card reader access beyond publicly posted hours will be available to Drake Law School affiliated users only. Drake Law School affiliated users should not admit non-affiliated users into the library outside of publicly posted hours.
  • Users may use their Drake ID to gain entry to the Law Library during regular building hours, typically 6 a.m. to midnight. For safety reasons, no access is permitted overnight between midnight and 6 a.m. (Check the library hours page to see if building hours have been adjusted.)
  • Study rooms and equipment, such as phone or laptop chargers, must be checked out during publicly posted hours. These items must be returned before the user exits the library. Keys can be placed in the bookdrop but please leave chargers and other fragile items on the desk to prevent damage.
  • Other library materials can be checked out using the self-checkout machine near the library Information Desk. Any materials borrowed from behind the Information Desk may not be taken out of the library and must be returned to the bookdrop at the Information Desk before the student leaves for the night.
  • Users who check out books, articles, and audiovisual materials from the Reserve room or Information Desk prior to the library’s publicly posted closing time can continue to use those materials beyond posted hours. Those materials must be placed in the book drop at the Information Desk before the user exits the library.
  • Members of Moot Court Board and Ag Law Journal should check with the Moot Court Board President / Journal Editor-in-Chief for information about after-hours access to their offices.


Drake Law School affiliated users must abide by this policy as well as the rules relating to library use in the Law School’s Code of Student Conduct accessible here. Failure to do so may result in discontinuation of card access.

Examples of actions that could result in discontinuation of the program or disciplinary follow-up include:

  • Damage to or unauthorized removal of library materials,
  • Damage to library facilities or equipment, or
  • Conduct that interferes with others’ use of the library and its resources.

Please note that a closed-circuit television system is in place and the footage from that system can be reviewed.

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