Are you wondering about your student’s academic experience? Sometimes students feel overwhelmed by the question, “How are classes?” Oftentimes some classes are going well, and other courses may be more of a struggle. It can be hard for a student to decipher and put into words how classes are going. If you want to hear more about how classes are going for your student, consider asking them some more targeted questions, like:
These questions might help you learn more about your student’s classroom experience. They might also open up to you about challenges they’re facing on campus. The reality is that most students must learn how to study differently when they arrive at college, and that can be challenging in itself.
The great news is that Drake has many great academic resources for your student, one of which is Access and Success. Access and Success offers academic coaching to students, which can cover a wide variety of topics. Students can talk through study strategies, learn how to manage their time better, work on setting achievable goals, and get help preparing for exams.
Access and Success also partners with faculty to offer tutoring in Accounting, Actuarial Science, Biology, General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Economics, Math/Computer Science, Physics, Spanish, and Statistics. Additionally, the Speaking Center and Writing Center can help students with assignments in many subject areas.
We also facilitate academic accommodations and services for students with disabilities to ensure everyone has equal access to educational opportunities. Equal access to education is achieved when barriers to learning are removed. Our staff are here to help work with students, alongside faculty and staff, to ensure the success and inclusion of all students.
We hope these tips will help you connect with your student about their academic experience and equip you with a few more resources to share with them, too.