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Residence Hall Activities

Family Weekend Residence Hall Activities

Crawford Hall: October 7 - 2-5pm 

  • Thrift - Bring items and pay a $1 cash exit fee per item. Taking place in the Crawford Lobby. This money will be used to help Des Moines Water Works. 

Goodwin-Kirk Hall: October 8 - 10am-12pm 

  • We will be having apple cider and hot chocolate as well as pumpkin carving/decoration on the volleyball courtyard

Jewett Hall: October 8 - 9:30am

  • Trip to the Farmer's Market leaving for the market at 9:30am. 

Morehouse Hall: October 8 - 3pm

  • Cookies with Morehouse is a social gathering to invite parents and family to connect with Morehouse Executive Council and residents and discuss how the hall community will develop throughout the year 



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