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Drake University has the following basic expectations of all club/organization advisors:

  • Meet with the executive board as often as necessary
  • Explain institutional policies/procedures
  • Offer financial management advice
  • Provide continuity for the club/organization from year to year
  • Act as a resource to the group
  • Support the group by attending their events and programs
  • Intervene when knowledge of illegal activity/activities contrary to Drake University policy occur
  • Pursuant to the Cleary Act, serve as a mandatory reporter if any person reveals to them they have been the victim, witness and/or perpetrator of any incident that might involve a crime.

Tools you'll need to be a successful advisor include:

1. Club/Organization constitution/by-laws (the Student Life Office has these on file)
2. Contact list of officers and members
3. Calendar of events for the club/organization
4. History of the club/organization
5. Club/Organization policies and procedures
6. Attendance at meetings and events when possible
7. Knowledge of Drake University resources
8. Willingness to assist the group and its members

What is Advising?

Being an effective advisor means developing a style that matches the club or organization's needs. When developing this style, it is important to keep in mind the purpose of the club, the types of activities they are involved in, and the mission of Drake University. Some groups will need more or less attention depending on the time of year. Negotiate with the group the time and attention they need from you before you agree to be their advisor.Taking an active role in the organization (attending meetings, events, meeting with officers, giving advice) does not mean that you are running the organization. It means that you guide and assist the officers in their roles, not doing the day-to-day operations.You may attend fewer meetings, or meet less frequently with the officers if the organization does not need an active advisor. The main objective of an advisor is to be available to guide and assist the officers or members in the mission and goals of the group. How active or passive you will be should be negotiated between you and the group.

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