Health Sciences (with major) / Law 3+3

Health Sciences (with major) / Law 3+3

Get a jump on law school.

Get your bachelor’s and JD in just six years with the Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences/Law 3+3 program—you’ll be in the workforce with a respected education and plenty of hands-on experience a full year before the competition.

In the 3+3 program, you’ll complete virtually all the requirements for an undergraduate major in health sciences in your first three years. If admitted to the Drake University Law School, you’ll finish the requirements for your undergraduate degree during the first year of law school.

You’ll shave a year off your education while obtaining a background in health sciences and a legal education that will prepare you for a career in health care law, state government, private legal practice, or any number of career tracks.


Experiences for real life

The College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (CPHS) and Drake Law both specialize in applied scholarship and a hands-on education. Every health sciences student completes at least one professional internship during their time at Drake, and you’ll further experience the world of health sciences through job shadowing, career mentoring, and project development. Similarly, Drake Law School offers students real-world experience in several legal clinics, through practical application of knowledge, and through legal internships and other opportunities.

Des Moines, Iowa’s capital and largest city, provides an ideal location for health care and legal internships. As a student at Drake, you’ll have the freedom to pursue one or more internships—and your future career—in areas like health care law, corporate or nonprofit law, private practice, or state government. Des Moines is home to hundreds of health care organizations, offering a wide range of opportunities to develop your skills.


Special opportunities

In addition to an accelerated pathway to your BS and JD degrees, you’ll benefit from the experiences that all Drake Bulldogs enjoy—mentorship from professors at the top of their field; résumé-worthy internships, research experiences, and other professional preparation; opportunities to learn while serving the community; and January Term experiences (at no additional cost) that immerse you into the fascinating topics—and locations—you choose.

Students who wish to complete the 3+3 Health Sciences/Law program may apply to the Law School during their third year. A student may withdraw from the Health Sciences/Law 3+3 program at any time and complete his/her undergraduate study for the bachelor's degree.

Learn more:

Looking for your admission counselor? Visit the Admission office to find a counselor or schedule a campus visit.

CPHS Accelerating in Health Professions (includes Health Sciences/Law 3+3 program). For all other questions about Health Sciences (with major) / Law 3+3 at Drake University, please reach out to the contact below.

Jessica Lang, MAT
Director of Enrollment Services
