Individual Instruction
DUCSOM offers individual instruction in piano, voice, strings, woodwinds, brass, percussion, organ, and music theory. Our credentialed faculty offer non-credit instruction to musicians of every level and age, including adults, on Drake University's campus.
2024-2025 Calendar:
Summer |
8-10 weeks beginning June 3, 2024 - August 9, 2024 |
Fall |
15 weeks, August 26, 2024 - December 13, 2024
(no Monday lessons on Sept. 2, 2024 and no lessons Nov. 25-29 for Thanksgiving)
Spring |
18 weeks, January 6, 2025 - May 16, 2025
(no lessons March 17-21, 2025 for spring break)
Summer |
8-10 weeks beginning June 2, 2025 - August 15, 2025
(no lessons June 30-July 4, 2025)
Enrollment into DUCSOM is on a semester basis. Remote or face-to-face lessons are up to the individual instructors and the student. Tuition is pro-rated for students enrolling after the start of the semester.
2024-2025 Tuition & Fees:
Fall |
$495.00 |
Spring |
$594.00 |
Summer |
$33 per half-hour times the number of lessons |
Pro-Rated Charge |
$33 per half-hour times the number of lessons |
Enrollment Fee New students only |
$30.00 (charged per family) |
Two-Payment Plan Fee |
$10.00 |
Three-Payment Plan Fee |
$15.00 |
Discount Forfeiture Fee |
$25.00 |
The standard lesson length is 30 minutes; longer lesson times are available. The tuition for 45 and 60-minute lessons is the pro-rated charge rate. A 75% tuition refund is available for lessons discontinued on or before the second lesson. Students who discontinue lessons after the second lesson of the semester are still responsible for full payment of the semester’s tuition, payment plan fee, and enrollment fee (if applicable).
- Contact the DUCSOM Director, not the studio instructor, regarding refunds.
- There are no adjustments regarding the number of lessons after the lessons begin.
- There is no crediting of tuition from one semester to another.
- Delinquency in payment of tuition and fees results in suspension of instruction.
- Eligible Drake University faculty and staff receive a 10% tuition reduction.
Enrollment & Terms of Payment:
- To enroll, either call or email DUCSOM’s Director.
- Tuition and fees must be PAID IN ADVANCE (on or before the first lesson) in cash (exact amount only), by check (made payable to DUCSOM), or by credit card (Mastercard or VISA).
- If tuition is not paid in full by the fourth week of any session, lessons will be suspended until the tuition balance is zero. If a payment plan is in place, this will not apply. However, all tuition must be paid in full before registration can begin for the following semester.
- DUCSOM Enrollment Form
Tuition and fees can be:
- Mailed:
Drake University Cashier's Office
2507 University Avenue
Des Moines, Iowa 50311-4505
- Paid by phone (515-271-4777) or in-person at the Cashier's Office in Carnegie Hall,
M-F, 8:00am-4:00pm.
Please include your account number with all payments.
Available payment options are:
- One-payment of the full tuition and all applicable fees.
- Two-payment plans (billed in the first two consecutive months of the term)—one-half of the tuition and any applicable fees plus a two-payment plan fee of $10.00 to be included with the first payment.
- Three-payment plan (billed in the first three consecutive months of the term)—one-third of the tuition and any applicable fees plus a three-payment plan fee of $15.00 to be included with the first payment.
- The two- and three-payment options are available until the second Friday of the fall and spring semesters. They are not available during the summer term.
- The discount forfeiture applies to any non-payment plan balance.
- Do not hesitate to contact the DUCSOM office regarding tuition concerns.
Attendance & Make-Up Lessons:
- Enrollment, not attendance, is the basis for tuition.
- Remote or face-to-face lessons are up to the individual instructors and the student.
- Regular attendance maximizes the course of instruction and progress.
- Your enrollment reserves a specific lesson time. Notify the instructor, not the DUCSOM office, concerning any absences.
- Instructors do not normally make up lessons due to student absences. At the instructor’s discretion, an instructor may offer a make-up lesson if time is available within an instructor's regular teaching hours. Regardless of the number of student-cancelled lessons, DUCSOM instructors do not offer more than one make-up lessons per semester. There is not a make-up provision for student-canceled make-up lessons.
- Instructors do offer a make-up lesson for instructor-cancelled lessons.
- Even if your local school closes due to inclement weather, DUCSOM will be giving lessons if Drake remains open (Drake’s cancellation line number is 271-4545).
- It is at the instructor’s discretion whether or not to make up missed lessons due to inclement weather.
Location of Lessons:
All lessons take place in studios located in the Harmon Fine Arts Center at Drake University.
View Larger Map
For lessons held Monday through Friday before 4:30pm, you must use street parking, except for handicap accessible parking (always available without a permit in Lot 1). Lot 1, located directly east of Harmon Fine Arts Center on 25th street, is open for permit parking only during business hours (8:00am to 4:30pm). After 4:30pm on weekdays and all day on Saturdays/Sundays, Lot 1 is open for visitor parking. "Visitors" are classified as anyone not eligible to purchase a parking permit. All Drake faculty, staff, and students are able to purchase parking permits.
Recitals by our students occur periodically throughout the year; please consult your instructor regarding dates and times. Students are encouraged, but not required, to participate in recitals. The Department of Music also presents events throughout the year that are free and open to the public. Click here for more information.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Cynthia Giunta.
Enrollment into DUCSOM is on a semester basis. Tuition is pro-rated for students enrolling after the start of the semester.