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Chemical Waste Management

                                                           Waste and Recycling

Now that you have learned about working safely with chemicals, let’s discuss laboratory chemical waste disposal. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires that laboratory chemical waste be managed safely and disposed of properly. EH&S will collect all chemicals, used or unused, from your lab. EH&S will also take all of your empty chemical containers. Information on proper disposal and recycling is detailed in the EHS (

Satellite Accumulation Area

EH&S has summarized the EPA laboratory waste requirements on the satellite accumulation area (SAA) sign. The sign should be posted in the laboratory near where waste will be accumulated for EH&S collection. To manage your waste safely and maintain EPA compliance follow the information on the SAA sign.

SAA Requirements

Ensure that chemical containers are tightly sealed, compatible with the contents, and in good condition. Segregate waste by compatibility using secondary containment. Limit the amount of chemical waste in the lab to no more than 55 gallons of hazardous waste and 1 quart acutely hazardous waste. Plan to have your waste collected by EH&S within 90 days of the Start Date listed on the Waste Description tag.

Labeling Requirements

Label all waste containers with full chemical names and percent if known. This label must be attached to the container as soon as you begin adding waste.

All containers need to have “Hazardous Waste” labels attached with the date waste was first added to the container as well as the lab/room number where the waste is being generated.

All containers need to have the full contents listed, no chemical abbreviations can be used, and percentages of each chemical should be listed if possible. The list of contents can be attached separately as long as the contents are accurate and legible (preferably typed).

Removal Requests

Request to have your waste collected by EH&S. To submit a request, please fill out the Materials Pick up Form. This, and other forms, can be found at





Drake Public Safety, 
    non-emergency - 515-271-2222

- Des Moines police, fire, ambulance,
     emergency - 911
-  Des Moines police,
     non-emergency 9-283-4811
- Employee Assistance Program
Title IX


Emergency Procedures

Emergency Procedures Manual