Environmental Science & Sustainability

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Community Building Opportunities

ENSS at Drake University seeks to create community throughout the department between students and faculty alike.

Incoming Freshman Social

Meetup with fellow future bulldogs and get introduced to the department over the summer, or in early fall.

Annual ENSS Potluck

At the end of the fall semester, faculty and upperclassmen bring a dish to share with new and current students. This event is great for all in the department to get to know each other and foster community among the department.

Department Camping Trip

Early each fall semester, a faculty member leads a group of students on a camping trip at a local state park to get to know each other and enjoy the great outdoors. This event is great to build community and connections for new students.


It's a great way to learn about the program's community and offerings. We've archived some of our past newsletters below.‌

Social Media

Check out the department's social media pages for updates on internships, job opportunities, environmental news, current students and alumni.




Student Organizations & Volunteering

Student organization are an additional great way to experience community within the ENSS department at Drake. Click here to head to the student organization page to learn more.



A&S News
A&S Calendar