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National Guard & Army Reserve

Guaranteed Reserve Forces Duty Scholarship (GRFD)

If you've already decided you want to be in the National Guard or Reserve Forces upon commissioning, GRFD could be for you. The benefits of a GRFD scholarship include full payment of tuition and fees, $1200 a year for books, a $450-$500 monthly stipend, and a promotion to E-5.

In order to be eligible for a GRFD scholarship, you must be a US citizen, pass army medical and fitness exams, as well as a background check.  GRFD scholarship winners must also complete one of the following: basic training and AIT, ROTC basic course, or the Leader's Training Course.

Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP Cadets):

The Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP) allows cadets to participate in ROTC and enlist, or already be enlisted, in the Army National Guard (ARNG) or Army Reserve (USAR) at the same time. It is a powerful training program that has many benefits and allows the cadet to decide if they wish to compete for active duty or Commission into the ARNG/USAR.

ARNG & USAR soldiers interested the SMP can enroll and participate in ROTC as soon as they are ready. It is highly recommended that soldiers enroll as soon as they get to campus but they can enroll in ROTC as late as two years from graduation since Army Basic Training gives them ROTC credit for the Basic Course, the first two years of ROTC. Upon officially contracting into ROTC soldiers begin attending drill weekends as ROTC cadets and are to be utilized as officer-trainees instead of enlisted soldiers within their MOS.

Follow-on Training and Commitment:

Upon completion of ROTC AND graduation from college the cadets are commissioned as second lieutenants. They then attend the Basic Officer Leader Course (BOLC) which is common to all branches, then lieutenants attend a course specific to there branch (job skill) (Infantry, Field Artillery, Transportation, Quartermaster, Aviation, etc).

Upon completion of the ROTC program, the officer has an 8-year obligation that can be served in the ARNG/USAR, on Active Duty or a combination of the two. ARNG/USAR duty is six years in active-drilling status and two years in the IRR, or Active Duty service requires a three year commitment.

(SMP) Financial Benefits

ROTC Stipend: $300-$500/month
E-5 Drill Pay - $275/month
GI Bill - $317/month
GI Bill SMP-Kicker - $350/month
Advance Camp Pay - $700-$800 (1 summer)
Tuition Assistance - $6270/year to 100% (varies)
Iowa ARNG pays up to resident tuition rate at state universities in Iowa

If you are you are currently in the Army National Guard or Army Reserve and are interested in ROTC, please contact SFC Patty Alley at

Drake Veteran's Affairs Office

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