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Polly Brekke

Adjunct Instructor of American Sign Language

Dr. Polly Brekke received her B.A. from Central College in Pella, Iowa, as well as her M.A. and Psy.S from Gallaudet University in Washington D.C.  Her undergraduate and graduate studies were focused in the areas of psychology to developmental psychology to a specialization in school psychology.  Dr. Brekke received her Ed.D from the University of Northern Iowa, with the focus in special education administration.  She completed and successfully defended her dissertation on family communication in families with deaf and hard of hearing children.  Her research interests include: neuropsychology and linguistic development in deaf and hard of hearing children, deaf education issues, family communication and involvement with deaf and hard of hearing children, American Sign Language and educational interpreting, linguistic and cultural competence, and deaf studies.  Dr. Brekke teaches ASL 1, ASL 2, and Deaf Culture at Drake in the evenings.  Her full-time profession is as dean of students in Des Moines Public Schools with deaf and hard of hearing children. 

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