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Critical Thinking

The Drake Curriculum makes an intentional effort to help students acquire the skills for rational analysis and argumentation. Critical Thinking should be purposeful, rigorous, self-reflective, and based on a careful consideration of evidence. Students learn to:

  • Clearly define a question or problem.
  • Gather information that is relevant to that problem.
  • Rigorously identify assumptions and preconceptions, including their own, that influence analysis of that problem.
Approved Course List:

ACCT 041 Intro. Accounting I
ART 050 Idea of Design
ART 082 World Building
ART 111 Cultural Intersections
ART 112 Museums
ART 150 Failure
ART 185/ HONR 185 Monuments and Memory
BIO 099 Biological Research & Statistical Methods
BLAW 060 Business Law
COUN 224 Adolescent and Adult Assessment
CS 010 Preview of Computer Science
CS 065 Introduction to Computer Science
EDUC/STEM 174 Inquiry and the Natures of Science, Technology and Engineering
EDUC 199/299 Perspectives on Education from Finland
ENG 030 Genre: The Documentary
ENG 038 Literary Study
ENG 039 Writing Seminar
ENG 081 Intro to English Linguistics
ENG 102 Structure of Modern American English
ENG 171 Teaching Writing: Theory and Practice
ENG 173 Critical Theory
ENG 174 Theories of Language and Discourse
HSCI 060 Statisticsn in Health Sciences
INTD 075 Community Dialogue and Development
JMC 076 Advertising Principles
JMC 130 Advertising Research
LPS 135 Crime & Film
LPS 135 Frams & Forks in Italy:Global Food Security & Sustainability
MATH025 Structure of Math for Elem. Ed
MATH 101 Mathematical Reasoning
MUS 053 Materials of Music IV
PATH 100 Paths to Knowledge
PHAR 117 Evolving Healthcare Paradigms: Past, Present and Future of the US Healthcare System
PHAR 169 Non-Prescriptions Medications
PHAR 172 Basic Quantitative Methods
PHAR 173 Applied Quantitative Methods for Pharmaceutical Care
PHIL 021 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 051 Logic and Critical Thinking


PHIL 090 Ethics
PHIL 100/RHET 100 Philosophies of Dialogue and the Interpersonal
PHIL 104 Philosophic Classics: The Ancient Period
PHIL 106 Philosophic Classics: The Modern Period
PHIL 107 Philosophic Classics: The Contemporary Period
PHIL 118 Feminist Ethics
PHIL 124 Health and Social Justice
PHIL 137 Rights and Responsibilities
PHIL 138 Philosophy of Art
PHYS 050 Modern Physics
POLS 179  Special Topics in International Relations
POLS 180 Ancient & Modern Political Theory
POLS 181 Modern Political Theory
PSY 010 Research Methods
PSY 024/BIO 025 Animal Behavior
PSY 030 Social Psychology
SCSA 156 Ethnographic Methods
(previously Anthropology 156)
SCSS 082 Men, Masculinity, and Movies
SCSR 073 Public Speaking
(previously Rhetoric 073)
SCSR 128 Argumentation and Advocacy
SCSS 133 Social Structure and Social Change
SCSS 135 Technoscience Culture and
SCS 151 Science, Cyborgs, & Monsters: Thinking Knowledge Projects for the New Millennium
SCSS 158 Social Science Statistics
(previously Sociology 158)
SCSS 159 Methods of Social Research
(previously Sociology 159)
SCSS 196/SCS 196/PSY 194 The
"Middle Kingdom" in a Global World:
Considering Family, Self, and Nation in a Changing China
STAT 060 Statistics for Pharmacy
STAT 072 Statistics II
STEM199 The History of Biology in France and England
THEA 005 Readings in Theatre

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