Approved Course List:
ARAB 002: Beginning Arabic II
ARAB 052: Intermediate Arabic II
ART 104: Freedom/Slavery/Emancipation
ASL 002: American Sign Language II
ASL 070: Deaf Culture
BIO 111: Evolved Foodways
BUS 67/HIST 67/HONRS65: Sustainable Development in Sub-Saharan Africa
BUS 70: Globalization
BUS 198: Issues in Global Business & Leadership: Panama
CHIN 002: Beginning Chinese II
CHIN052: Intermediate Chinese II
COUN 145/245: Understanding Diverse Populations
ECON 135: Developing Economies
EDUC 164/264: Perspectives on Race, Gender, and Culture
EDU 189 Spain and Morocco: Exploring the Intersection of Ethics and Culture
EDUC 199/299: Perspectives on Education in Finland
EDUC 199/299: Understanding Diverse Culture: Japan
ENG 20: Literature and Culture
ENG 60: British Identity in England
ENG 65: Introduction to African American Literature
ENG 066: Reading Race & Ethnicity
ENG 158/HONS 175/: Literature of South Africa
ENG 164: Latino/a Literature
ENG 165: Postcolonial Literature
FREN 002: Beginning French II
FREN 052: Intermediate French II
FREN 151: National Identity
FREN 152: French Film
GERM 002: Beginning German II
GERM 052: Intermediate German II
GERM 151: National Identity
HIST 021: East Asia to 1600
HIST 022: East Asia Since
HIST 060: Africa in World History
HIST 123: Modern Mexico
HIST 124: Aztecs, Incas, and Mayas
HIST 125: Colonial Latin America
HIST 126: Modern Latin America
HIST 128: Imperial China
HIST 129: Modern China
HIST 135: History of Imperial Russia
HIST 136: The Old Regime and the French Revolution
HIST 138: History of the Soviet Union
HIST 152: European Enlightenment
HIST 156: Sex, Power, and War in the Aztec Empire
HIST 176: Nationalism in Modern European History
HSC 106: Culture Core and Health Literacy
JAPN 002: Beginning Japanese II
JAPN 052: Intermediate Japanese II
JMC 133: International Advertising
LEAD 110: Leadership at Sea
LPS 137: Contemporary American Indian Law and Politics
MUS 081: World Music for Music Majors
POLS 065: Comparative Politics
POLS 109: Case Studies in Comparative & Transnational Human Rights
POLS 121: United Nations and Global Security
POLS 126: Political Economy of Globalization
POLS 127: Global Health
POLS 129: Transitions to Democracy
POLS 136: Racial Justice and Human Rights in the U.S. after WWII
POLS 139: Comparative Asian Politics
POLS 162: The Government and Politics of China
POLS 174: Global Migration
POLS 177/HONR 109: Gender and War
REL 003: World Religions
REL 62: Religions of India
REL 64: Introduction to Buddhism
REL 67/HONRS 089: Religions of the Middle East
REL 114: Religions of Des Moines
REL 121/PHIL 121: Comparative Religions
REL 124: Inventing "Religion"
REL 125/PHIL 125: Philosophy of Religion
REL 151/SCSA 196: Religions of Africa
SCSA 002: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
SCSR 079/HONR 79: HOME: Dwelling and Belonging
SCSA 180: Global Political Violence
SCSR 114: Rhetorics of Race
SCSR 126: Rhetoric of Identity and Difference
SCSR 180: Postcolonial Rhetorics
SCSS 20: Introduction to Race & Ethnic Relations
SPAN 002: Beginning Spanish II
SPAN 052: Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN 151: National Identity
SPAN 152: Spanish Film
SPAN 160: Literature
WLC 148: Intercultural Communications
WLC 150: Introduction to Modern Arab Culture