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Global and Cultural Understanding

Through understanding the interaction of knowledge, awareness, and cultural responsibility, Drake students will pursue the ideal wherein all persons have value and a voice. They will learn to examine aspects of society in relation to nationality, race, ethnicity, gender or culture, including the interactive nature of relations among people who differ according to these categories. Courses that fulfill this AOI will engage students to achieve at least two of these learning outcomes:
1.  Identify and evaluate the fundamentals of international issues and events that shape the current world, influenced by geography, history, language, religion, and cultural values. 
2.  Recognize and understand major issues, concerns, and problems of super-national or global scope (including, but not limited to, environmental concerns, international business, peace and war, underdevelopment, population growth and decline, human rights); 
3.  Recognize and assess complexities within, and interactions among, current world nations, peoples, and cultures, and how these shape our global community.

Approved Course List:

ARAB 002: Beginning Arabic II
ARAB 052: Intermediate Arabic II
ART 104: Freedom/Slavery/Emancipation
ASL 002: American Sign Language II
ASL 070: Deaf Culture
BIO 111: Evolved Foodways
BUS 67/HIST 67/HONRS65: Sustainable Development in Sub-Saharan Africa
BUS 70: Globalization
BUS 198: Issues in Global Business & Leadership: Panama
CHIN 002: Beginning Chinese II
CHIN052: Intermediate Chinese II
COUN 145/245: Understanding Diverse Populations
ECON 135: Developing Economies
EDUC 164/264: Perspectives on Race, Gender, and Culture
EDU 189 Spain and Morocco: Exploring the Intersection of Ethics and Culture
EDUC 199/299: Perspectives on Education in Finland
EDUC 199/299: Understanding Diverse Culture: Japan
ENG 20: Literature and Culture
ENG 60: British Identity in England
ENG 65: Introduction to African American Literature
ENG 066: Reading Race & Ethnicity
ENG 158/HONS 175/: Literature of South Africa
ENG 164: Latino/a Literature
ENG 165: Postcolonial Literature
FREN 002: Beginning French II
FREN 052: Intermediate French II
FREN 151: National Identity
FREN 152: French Film
GERM 002: Beginning German II
GERM 052: Intermediate German II
GERM 151: National Identity
HIST 021: East Asia to 1600
HIST 022: East Asia Since
HIST 060: Africa in World History
HIST 123: Modern Mexico
HIST 124: Aztecs, Incas, and Mayas
HIST 125: Colonial Latin America
HIST 126: Modern Latin America
HIST 128: Imperial China
HIST 129: Modern China
HIST 135: History of Imperial Russia
HIST 136: The Old Regime and the French Revolution
HIST 138: History of the Soviet Union
HIST 152: European Enlightenment
HIST 156: Sex, Power, and War in the Aztec Empire
HIST 176: Nationalism in Modern European History
HSC 106: Culture Core and Health Literacy
JAPN 002: Beginning Japanese II
JAPN 052: Intermediate Japanese II
JMC 133: International Advertising
LEAD 110: Leadership at Sea
LPS 137: Contemporary American Indian Law and Politics
MUS 081: World Music for Music Majors
POLS 065: Comparative Politics
POLS 109: Case Studies in Comparative & Transnational Human Rights
POLS 121: United Nations and Global Security
POLS 126: Political Economy of Globalization
POLS 127: Global Health
POLS 129: Transitions to Democracy
POLS 136: Racial Justice and Human Rights in the U.S. after WWII
POLS 139: Comparative Asian Politics
POLS 162: The Government and Politics of China
POLS 174: Global Migration
POLS 177/HONR 109: Gender and War
REL 003: World Religions
REL 62: Religions of India
REL 64: Introduction to Buddhism
REL 67/HONRS 089: Religions of the Middle East
REL 114: Religions of Des Moines
REL 121/PHIL 121: Comparative Religions
REL 124: Inventing "Religion"
REL 125/PHIL 125: Philosophy of Religion
REL 151/SCSA 196: Religions of Africa
SCSA 002: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
SCSR 079/HONR 79: HOME: Dwelling and Belonging
SCSA 180: Global Political Violence
SCSR 114: Rhetorics of Race
SCSR 126: Rhetoric of Identity and Difference
SCSR 180: Postcolonial Rhetorics
SCSS 20: Introduction to Race & Ethnic Relations
SPAN 002: Beginning Spanish II
SPAN 052: Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN 151: National Identity
SPAN 152: Spanish Film
SPAN 160: Literature
WLC 148: Intercultural Communications
WLC 150: Introduction to Modern Arab Culture


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