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Student Organization Work

Student Organizations provide a vibrant and essential part of the Drake experience. 

Engaging the Spectrum: Students for Interfaith Progress and Service (SIPS)

Engaging the Spectrum is meant to serve a variety of functions on Drake's campus and in the Des Moines community. We provide an outlet for people to discuss their own religious beliefs or lack there of and the opportunity to engage with religions that they may not have interacted with before.

  • Iftar Interfaith Dinner
  • Collaboration with Comparative Religion class
  • Collaboration with The Comparison Project
  • Regular meetings to facilitate discussions
  • Regular attendance at interfaith events in the community
  • We are excited for further collaboration with groups on and off Drake's campus as we grow.

Rainbow Union (RU)

Rainbow Union is a multicultural organization dedicated to providing a safe space for LGBTQ+ students at Drake. We aim to make our campus as welcoming as possible and to raise awareness for LGBTQ+ issues in our community.

  • Fall Drag Show
  • Spring Drag Show
  • History of Drag Educational Event
  • Presentation at Iowa Governor's Conference for LGBTQ+ Youth
  • Other Prom
  • Transgender Day of Remembrance

International Student Association (ISA)

As an organization for both international and domestic students, ISA encourages international awareness and cultural diversity through events on campus.

  • To promote and enhance international awareness, cultural diversity and dialogue among international students, and between international students and domestic students at Drake University and the wider community.
  • To build strong collaboration with student organizations on campus and wider Drake community.
  • To promote, advocate and advance the international students rights, interests, and privileges in the United States and assist international students with their transition with the American culture and classroom environment.
  • To provide the international student community with formal representation within the university and the wide community.
  • The act as an advocate for issues concerning international students and provide programs to serve and support their needs.




Intervarsity (IV)

Intervarsity is an interdenominational Christian fellowship that meets weekly for a night of communal activities including worship, scripture study and conversations. We aim for a Jesus-centered group of individuals passionate about justice, service, and love both on campus and in the larger community.

  • Commitment to racial justice on campus and beyond specifically through participation with Unity Organizations and events
  • Community Night every Wednesday at 8pm in La Casa Cultural House
  • Intervarsity Global Family, a group for international students that meet weekly for dinner and community



Disability Awareness Action Community (DAAC)

DAAC is a student-driven initiative to creating a more inclusive environment for students of all abilities. Our purpose is to create a community for students with disabilities, and further Drake’s existing disability equity and inclusion programs and policies.

  • We Brought Handicap This to campus in the fall of 2018.
  • Every year we host a stress jar making event because school is stressful for everyone.
  • Our biggest annual event, A Day in the Life is meant to be a look into the lives of those who have
  • In the spring of 2019, we partnered with the Iowa DD Council to show the movie Intelligent Lives.


Student Activists for Gender Equity (SAGE)

SAGE works hard in promoting and voicing the opinions and issues of women all over the world on a daily basis. SAGE strives to make the world a more equitable and safe place for all. It feeds off of the unification, dedication, and spirit of all individuals along the spectrums of sex and gender.

  • Making campus and our organization more equitable
  • Campus-wide education
  • Weekly intersectional discussions
  • Providing a safe space for campus during times of high stress (e.g. Kavanaugh Hearings, Midterm Election)
  • Uplifting voices of survivors of sexual assault at our Speak Out on Nov. 1.



University News
October 4, 2024