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An internship requires junior status or instructor approval, along with good academic standing. You can earn one to three credit hours depending on the number of hours of work (1 credit = 15 hours, 2 credits = 30 hours, 3 credits = 50 hours). Internships can be selected from among community partner organizations. You will need to negotiate a letter of agreement with a site supervisor and submit to the Internship program director, attend an orientation, midterm, and final session, and submit regular updates on Blackboard, as well as a final reflective update.

To find internship opportunities, check out the posted files on our Facebook page or contact Carol Spaulding-Kruse

Study Abroad

We offer study abroad opportunities that develop skills and networks for English and Writing majors.

Travel seminars encourage you to discover new areas of knowledge while nurturing intellectual and personal maturation. Exposure to a culture and literature outside of the United States invites you to think critically about the past, present, and future of people whose experiences differ substantially from your own.

Faculty in the English Department have led travel seminars to England, South Africa, and India.

Learn more about a study abroad program that many of our students have enjoyed: Advanced Studies in England, located in Bath, England. Student Abby Bethke chronicles her ASE experiences at her blog, English Escapades: https://writingmajorabroad.blogspot.com/

English major Elijah Rockhold is on a study abroad program taking him all around the world. This fall, he has already visited Argentina, Spain, France, the Netherlands, and South Africa! Find out more here, at his blog: https://www.elijahrockhold.com/fall-2019

Drake Community Press



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