About Us
Drake Postal Operations is responsible for the daily processing, sorting, and distribution of USPS mail for faculty and staff, along with packages from UPS, FedEx, and USPS. We strive for accuracy and expediency with every delivery.
- We process mail for over 1,700 faculty and staff members.
- In the last year, we have processed and distributed over 9,000 packages and approximately 30,000 pounds of mail to faculty and staff.
- We send out an estimated 300,000 pieces of mail per year.
- We make over 53 mail stops in and around campus on an average day. Watch for our blue mail bags!
- In the summer of 2017, we began using Notifii, a package notification service that allows us to scan and
log each package and automatically send an email notification to the recipient that it will be delivered to their departmental office.
- We use Mail Services, LLC to receive a discount on daily mail that saves thousands of dollars per year in postage.