Our office uses metering, addressing, and folding/inserting machines from Hasler and Pitney Bowes to automate these processes for large mailings. This equipment can save you time and money on your next mass mailing project.

Hasler IM6000 Postage Metering Machine
- Meters and prints postage on up to 9,000 letters per hour
- Automatically seals envelopes
- Automatically weighs mail for accurate postal rates

Pitney Bowes DI 950 Automated Inserter/Folder
- Folds and inserts up to 5,400 mailings per hour
- Can perform five different folds: half, C, Z, double, and parallel
- Five paper/envelope trays support a variety of media options
- Efficiently name matches inserts to envelopes

Pitney Bowes WF 96 Fixed Head Address Printer
- Prints up to 30,000 pieces per hour
- Handles mail up to ¼" thick
- Prints USPS bar codes for substantial postage savings