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 Profile of a Pharmacy Innovator: Sanjay Patel

From manufacturing, to corporation, to independent pharmacy, Dr. Patel has experienced many avenues of pharmacy practice. As Director of Pharmacy of Haller’s Pharmacy, a CSPEN-certified pharmacy based in Fremont, California, he shares his journey and brings hope to community pharmacy by addressing the needs of the patients and the profession.

 Profile of a Pharmacy Innovator: Megan Friedrich

Dr. Friedrich embodies entrepreneurial leadership through her commitment to the idea that any pharmacy practice can be clinical, and she incorporates this belief into her practice. As a pharmacist and a preceptor, Dr. Friedrich hopes to share this philosophy with students so they can advocate for positive change within the profession. Currently she is in the process of implementing several new programs in her practice to improve the level of patient care provided.

Profile of a Pharmacy Innovator: Chris Meyer

Though his initial dream was to pursue medical school, Dr. Meyer had a change in heart when he discovered the patient interaction and care given on the pharmacy level. At Medicap, Chris has used his role as pharmacist to develop niches beyond the typical retail setting by administering atypical vaccinations and services.