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Useful Links & Other Information

Contact Information

If you have any questions, please email or call the Dean of Students Office at 515-271-2835.

Important Links

College Links

College of Arts and Sciences

College of Business and Public Administration

College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

School of Education

School of Journalism and Mass Communication

Drake Acronyms


AOI Area of Inquiry
AS College of Arts & Sciences
BCMB Biochemistry Cell Molecular Biology
CBPA College of Business & Public Administration
CPHS College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
FAC Fine Arts Center
HI Harvey-Ingham Hall
LPS Law Politics and Society
PAH Performing Arts Hall
SCB Science Connector Building

Student Organizations

ASA African Student Association
CAB Community Action Board
CAC Colleges Against Cancer
CAYA Come As You Are
CBS Coalition of Black Students
CSSA Chinese Students & Scholars Association
DAAC Disability Action and Awareness Community
DATA Drake Association of Technology Advancement
DEAL Drake Environmental Action League
DOLC Drake Outdoor Leadership Club
DTAH Dogtown After Hours
FSL Fraternity & Sorority Life
IFC Interfraternity Council
ISA International Student Association
LFL La Fuerza Latina
MASA Malaysian Student Association
MEPPA Middle East Peace and Prosperity Alliance
MSA Muslim Student Association
MVP Mentors in Violence Prevention
RU Rainbow Union
SAA Student Alumni Association
SAB Student Activity Board
SAGE Student Activists for Gender Equality
SASA South Asian Student Association 

First Year Terms

PAB Peer Advisory Board
FYS First-Year Seminar
OL Orientation Leader
PMAC Peer Mentor Academic Consultant
RA Resident Assistant

Drake Buildings and Departments

GK Goodwin-Kirk Hall
DPS Drake Public Safety
ITS Information Technology Services
PCDS Professional and Career Development Service
SLC Student Life Center 

Drake University Mission Statement

Drake's mission is to provide an exceptional learning environment that prepares students for meaningful personal lives, professional accomplishments, and responsible global citizenship. The Drake experience is distinguished by collaborative learning among students, faculty, and staff and by the integration of the liberal arts and sciences with professional preparation.

Drake University Statement on Diversity & Inclusion

At Drake University we commit to:

  • Devoting time and resources to ensuring the equitable treatment of all students, faculty, staff, alumni, community members, and visitors to campus.
  • Intentionally recruiting and retaining students, faculty, and staff with diverse identities, backgrounds, and ideas.  These differences include, but are not limited to, race, ethnicity, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, age, socio-economic background, cognitive ability, physical ability, religion and spirituality, value system, national origin, immigration or refugee status, veteran status, and political beliefs.
  • Ensuring all students, faculty, staff, alumni, community members, and visitors feel that they have been treated with respect.
  • Teaching all faculty, staff, and students to recognize discrimination and oppression, as well as giving each individual tools to address and prevent it.
  • Recognizing and nurturing our different, unique identities.


University Calendar 
University News
October 4, 2024