
About the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience:
- Our department consists of nine full time faculty members with doctoral degrees that represent many of the varied fields of contemporary psychology and neuroscience. They are committed to excellence in teaching and research and many have received teaching or scholarship awards, and have obtained large national grants to support their work.
- In Psychology, you can choose either a Bachelor of Arts or the Bachelor of Science degree program. A minor in Psychology is also available if you want to complement your main area of study with a foundation in psychology.
- The Neuroscience program offers a Bachelor of Science degree and a minor in Neuroscience. This interdisciplinary program will engage you in coursework from biology, chemistry, math, neuroscience, pharmacy, philosophy, and psychology.
- Our department supports interdisciplinary concentrations in Human Resource Management, Behavioral Analysis of Developmental Disabilities, and Comparative Animal Behavior. We also contribute to interdisciplinary programs in Women’s Studies, and Leadership Education and Development. You may enhance your career preparation by supplementing your main program of study with an interdisciplinary concentration that fits your career interests.
- We involve our students in research experiences. You may participate in scholarly projects with faculty through research seminars or independent study. You may present your research at the Drake University Conference on Undergraduate Research in the Sciences (DUCURS) or at regional/national conferences. A number of our students have become co-authors of published research papers.
- You may earn academic credit for supervised internships in an applied setting. Our students have worked in hospitals, mental health clinics, day care centers, and businesses.
- Our facilities include computer laboratories, human and animal behavior laboratories, and an electroencephalography (EEG) laboratory. These facilities offer exciting opportunities for you to explore the latest developments on the frontiers of the behavioral sciences.