Psychology & Neuroscience

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Internships are an excellent opportunity for you to apply the principles you are learning through your coursework.

While internship experiences vary depending upon student career interests and site availability, all internships relate to your field of study in psychology or neuroscience and provide a structured learning experience in order to develop your applied skills. Specific areas for internships include clinical, counseling and school psychology, industrial/organizational, and psychometrics. You may earn academic credits through internship courses (PSY 192 or NSCI 192). To be eligible for internships, students must be of junior standing (60 credit hours), have a cumulative GPA greater than 2.8, and be able to work at the internship location 150 hours during the semester (average = 10 hours/week). For further information please review the Internship Information Sheet and consult with your academic adviser. The list below displays examples of potential internship locations, and is by no means exhaustive. Students are invited, in consultation with their academic advisor, to identify other possible locations.

Potential Internship Sites

Working with Children

Working with Adults

Policy Development and Implementation

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