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2008 Databook
I. Drake University 2008-2009
II. New Student Data
III. Enrollment Comparisons-Multi-year
- Enrollment by Level and Full- or Part-time Status-Fall 2000-2008
- Drake Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Students by unit- Fall 2002-2008
- Fall Enrollment by Academic Unit, level (G, U), and status (full, part-time) 200
- Fall Enrollment status by class, gender, and status- 2004-2008
- Fall Semester Enrollments by Class and Status (ft, pt)-2004-2008
- Student/Faculty Ratios, 2004-2008
- End of semester enrollments, Fall semesters 2005-2007
- Student Diversity Summary, 2004-2008
- Fall 2008 Student Ethnicity Profile
- Fall 2008 Student Gender Profile
- Fall 2008 Student Age Profile
- Spring 2009 Spring Enrollment (Historical)
- Spring 2009 Fall to Spring Enrollment Trends
IV. Majors
V. Graduation and Retention Rates
VI. Faculty Profiles
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