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Hours & Facilities

Drake University is proud to offer its students, faculty, staff, and alumni access to quality recreational facilities. Our buildings are open year round and give you access to many wellness options.



Recreation and Sports facilities can be reserved for special events.  Drake affiliated events can be reserved through VEMS.  For all other events, please contact the appropriate manager below atleast 3 weeks in advance.  Facility is not reserved until you receive confirmation from Drake Recreational Services or Athletics. 

If you have questions about your current reservation, you can contact the following people directly:


Bell Center

Lisa Murphy 515.271.4710

Knapp Center

Dylan Adams


Roger Knapp Tennis Center

Dylan Adams


Fieldhouse & Stadium

Dylan Adams 515.271.3849

Intramural & Club Fields

Ryan Parriott 515.271.3522


Reservations are currently needed for the Bell Center Pool and Roger Knapp Tennis Center. Contact for more information.

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