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Area Education Agencies and Other Partners

The entities listed below partner with Drake Continuing Education & Professional Development to offer graduate credit courses to local area educators. These courses are reviewed and approved by our curriculum director. More than 2,000 courses are offered each year for Drake graduate credit.

Please check with your AEA, school district, or the Iowa BOEE to confirm that each course you want to take will meet your requirements. Participants taking Drake graduate credit can enroll in a maximum of 12 graduate hours per academic semester. If you take more than 12 credit hours, not all of your credits will be issued, nor will your money be refunded.

Links to our AEA Partners

Other Educational Partners

Drake AEA Contacts

Drake University Transcripts

Drake University and Continuing Education and Professional Development (CEPD) students will no longer receive complimentary transcripts starting with the courses associated with the fall of 2023 semester. We will continue to send complimentary transcripts for courses associated with the summer 2023 semester and semesters prior until all grades have been entered. You will find information about ordering official transcripts, including the cost and how to access your unofficial transcript, using the link below.

Feel free to contact Kelly Marckres if you have any questions:

Graduate Credit Information for Students

Drake credit (EDMA) may be used in the following ways:

  • Renewal of teaching certificates.
  • Advancement on local salary schedules.
  • Elective credits toward graduate degree programs (with advisor approval).

Equity and Inclusion
At the heart of Equity and Inclusion at Drake we believe that acting upon opportunities and empowering our community is the way to achieve long term and effective change. That commitment to community is demonstrated by a variety of student, faculty, and staff opportunities to join efforts in programs and initiatives. 

Request Information

Thank you for your interest in pursuing continuing education and professional development at Drake University. Please submit this form to request information from the department.