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Supportive Engagement: Building Social Emotional Resilience (EDMA 268)

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Spring 2023 Course Dates: January 16 – March 12, 2023
*Synchronous (virtual) meetings will be held January 21, January 28, February 11, and February 25, 2023 from 9:00 am - Noon CST TBD
*Attendance Policy: Since this course is structured to include mandatory synchronous meetings, regular and punctual attendance is of prime importance.  Students are expected to attend all virtual class meetings.

Graduate Credits 3 semester hours, $660.00 (not including the cost of the textbook)
Iowa License Renewal-3 semester hours, $330.00 (not including the cost of the textbook)

Course Description:
Supportive engagement in schools can help students who have faced trauma meet their individual needs, form positive attachments with school personnel, and ultimately flourish as learners. This course will look at the fundamental needs of people of all ages, how trauma impacts an individual's ability to feel that their needs are being met, and how trauma-triggered behavior can disrupt relationships. Participants will then learn how student-teacher meta-communication strategies are central to trauma-informed social-emotional and how using these strategies can restore resiliency in all learners and staff.

Required Textbook/Readings:
Brummer, J. (2020). Building a Trauma-Informed Restorative School. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. ISBN 13: 978-1787752672


This course may not run as scheduled if we do not reach our minimum number of registrations. Should this occur, all registered students will have the option of receiving a full refund OR rolling the registration over into the following semester.

Request Information

Thank you for your interest in pursuing continuing education and professional development at Drake University. Please submit this form to request information from the department.