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Disability Spotlight

A note from Michelle Laughlin, director of Access & Success:

We made it!   

Finals Week is quickly approaching. Congratulations to our seniors. We wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors. You should be proud of your accomplishments! 

Finals can bring up a lot of anxiety. A few things to keep in mind: 

  • Don’t cram! Cramming can lead to burn-out and anxiety 
  • Group Study – grab a friend, grab a coffee, and create study guides together. Give each other practice tests.  
  • Take breaks – use the Pomodoro method (set a timer for 25 minutes, take a 5-minute break. Repeat) 
  • Create a study plan and stick to it.
  • Get plenty of rest and fluids, eat healthy, and move your body.

Remember, your grades do not define who you are. You are more than a grade on a test 

Access & Success is here as a resource for you throughout the next two weeks if you need assistance. 

Thank you for a great year!

— Michelle Laughlin, director of Access & Success. 

Image of Michelle Laughlin, Drake University's Director of Access and Success

Access & Success provides academic coaching, tutoring and student disability services. Equal access to education is achieved when barriers to learning are removed. Access & Success staff are here to help work with students—alongside faculty and staff—to ensure the success and inclusion of all students. 

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