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Moot Court Awards

The Moot Court Board aims to further the art of appellate, trial, and skills advocacy at Drake Law School.

The Drake Law School Moot Court Program consists of three intra-school competitions and 10 inter-law school competitions conducted at various times throughout the school year.

The Moot Court Board members are responsible for organizing all aspects of each team's involvement in the moot court competitions. In addition, the members serve as student coaches to the competitors.

Each year at the Moot Court Luncheon, the Moot Court Board presents awards honoring accomplishments during the past year.

Davis, Brown, Koehn, Shors & Roberts P.C. Awards for Excellence

This award is presented to the four finalists in the Supreme Court Competition.

2024 recipients:
Ankit Pal
NaRayah Runyon
Nadia Valentine
Ben Wolf

Rodney L. Hudson Senior Advocacy Award

Each year this award is presented to a senior student who is judged by the moot court adviser to have given the most outstanding overall performance in moot court competitions throughout his or her law school career. The annual cash award is funded by the Rodney L. Hudson Family Foundation, established in honor of Rodney L. Hudson, LW 1916, whose career exemplified excellence in advocacy.

2024 recipient:
Catherine Dukelow

Rodney L. Hudson Appellate Advocacy Award

Each year this award is presented to a senior student who is judged by the moot court adviser to have given the most outstanding overall performance in moot court competitions throughout his or her law school career. The annual award is given by the Rodney L. Hudson Family Foundation, established in honor of Rodney L. Hudson, LW 1916, whose career exemplified excellence in advocacy.

2024 recipient:
Nadia Valentine

M. Gene Blackburn Award

This annual cash award, funded by the law firm Simmons Perrine Moyer Bergman PLC,  is presented to the student who submits the best brief for the Supreme Court Competition. The recipient is chosen on the basis of superior writing skills that communicate an issue position based upon an innovative, creative, and concise approach. The award is named for M. Gene Blackburn, LW’55, in recognition of his dedication to the development of appellate advocacy while a professor at Drake Law School.

2024 recipient:
Nadia Valentine

Drake Law School Alumni Service Award

This award is given annually to an alumnus for his or her generosity and dedication to the Drake Law School Moot Court Program.

2024 recipient:
Kyle Crawford, LW'17

Order of the Barristers

The Order of the Barristers is a national society whose purpose is to recognize special efforts and contributions to moot court programs in American law schools. Membership is voted on the basis of outstanding participation in moot court competitions and service to the Drake Moot Court Board.

Order of the Barristers 2024:

Kaleigh Blinn
Carter Brown
Catherine Dukelow
Grant Gasner
Madaalyn Grask
Conner Greene
Danielle Havel
Grace Stark Kendrick
NaRayah Runyon
Riley Sternhagen

Geoffrey Van Deusen III

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